“Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life”

Monday, November 14, 2016

So I was sick for four years....

So most of you know I got sick almost five years ago.  I struggled for over 4 years and my existence became quite bleak.  The original default diagnosis was Fibromyalgia but 2.5 years in I was diagnosed via blood test to ‘also’ have Hashimotos Disease.  I saw multiple doctors, quacks and specialists.  I tried everything I could think of; acupuncture, Reki, tapping, massage, essential oils, grounding, meditating, visualization, supplements, juicing, fasting and a few more that I’ve managed to block out.  Nothing worked and I continued to get sicker.

I was gaining weight,  in constant pain, exhausted, swollen, sweaty, crumbling nails, hair falling out, eyebrows almost gone and just hanging on, barely existing.  The doctors had me on a assortment of pain medications in a variety of combinations; Norco, Vicodin, Morphine, Percocet and Oxycontin.  I begged and pleaded for alternatives but in the end I was willing to do anything to ease the pain so I took what they gave me and went back for more.  The dosage was adjusted often and always up.  I was advised by several medical professionals to begin applying for permanent disability as most people in my situation ended up there and it takes up to two years to be approved! 

Look, I’m 52 years old with two (as of this posting) granddaughters.  I’m not a kid anymore but WTH?  Seriously, you guys know me….. I’m way too immature to be an old lady already.  Amber, my sweet daughter, researcher, healer, rock, confidant and ass-kicker when I needed it is the reason I took and continued to take those initial steps towards wellness. 

I changed everything about my diet/lifestyle and began to get better.  Once I got off the prescription pain medications and through the associated withdrawal symptoms, physically I was healing rapidly.  Unfortunately, at this point I kind of lost my shit a little bit but that’s a story for another time.

Peace Out.

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