“Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life”

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It's not a 'diet' and I'm not 'skinny' ...

So people keep commenting on my ‘weight loss’ or how well I’m ‘sticking to my diet’.  It bugs me more as time goes on, so I’m gonna lay it out. 

I reversed my diseases and healed my body with targeted nutrition; hyper vigilance about what goes into/onto my body. If it doesn’t add a quantifiable positive to my body, I don’t ingest/use it. 
Along with wellness came an amazing sense of well-being and an excess of energy.  I wake each morning, happy, eager, and almost impatient to get to the gym.  I love the ability to stretch, move, push and strengthen my body more each day.  After five years of pain, sickness and very limited mobility I’m unwilling to ever go back! 

This is my life.  I genuinely love my body now more than ever before.  Not so much how it looks (although not hating the emerging 6 pack) but the functionality!  Runs like a freaking machine these days!  Eating good food and being able to feel the results, sleeping well and waking refreshed.  This is better than any drug I’ve ever done – and believe me, there've been some good ones!  I’ve leaned into this new reality and am fully addicted to feeling this good. 
At this point, I don’t see it as ‘giving up’ anything: either various foods or personal products.  Do you ever even have to think about if you will drink radiator fluid or anti-freeze?  Not even a consideration, right?  Yep, that’s (mostly) where I’m at.  Real, organic and nutritious food is the only consideration.  I still crave sugar once in a while but personal experience has shown me that it’s worse than heroin for me.  Think about how shitty and sick you’re willing to feel because you can’t give up ingesting crap that you know is horrible for you? 
People look down on the addicts out there, trippin & tweaking themselves into walking skeletons because they just can’t or wont give up their drug of choice..... 
Please contemplate how ingesting sugar/crap food is any different?  At least addicts get the 'high'.  Ahhhh, because sugar is legal?  Fuck that, answer the question at least to yourself!  In my mind there is no difference, but that's just me.  If you're angry at my words and mentally already forming a rebuttal, feeling emotional and all worked up?  LOL  Addicted!!!
So, I smile nod, accept the well wishes; I grit my teeth and say “Its muscle” to the “Hey Skinny’ greetings and try hard to keep my big (albeit super healthy) mouth shut.  Especially to those of you who enthusiastically inquire as to ‘How I did it?’ only to have your eyes glaze over at the first mention of dietary change.  I can see you mentally move on, ready to physically leave the convo!   It's cool, I get it, food is emotional, health and fitness isn't for everyone.

You are born alone into your body.  You die alone in your body.  Years pass, people come and go, events take place….. the only constant is you,  living alone in your body.  How you choose to live, how you choose to treat that one body is all on you.  No one feels your pain or your pleasure.  It’s all on you.

Well, I may have sidetracked a bit but the intent remains .... take health into your own hands, no one else can do it for you... and for the love of fuck please quit calling me skinny, I'm well and healthy now, I sweat hard for these muscles. :-)

Peace Out!