“Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life”

Monday, June 2, 2014

Health Update in lieu of actual entertaining or informative reading......

I haven’t posted to this blog in quite a while and now I’m using it as a bulletin board.  For this I apologize.  I do anticipate having more time and energy to devote to writing here and elsewhere in the decidedly near future.  In the mean time I will allow my friends from FB to read this letter I recently sent out, as it tells my recent health story as well as anything my lazy ass could write again for the same purpose.

Okay I’m going to rip this Band-Aid off and then you can quit reading if you like. 

I’m quite sick and have to cancel my July 2014 50th Birthday trip.
I’m so disappointed and sincerely sorry on so many levels but hurting and inconveniencing you, my friends who I love, well that hurts the most.  Please believe that I regret this deeply!!!

I’m doing this in a group email because I’m still quite emotional about this whole situation and couldn’t take doing this so many individual times.  I’m also including people I love who weren't scheduled to attend - just because it's easier.  I might suck just a bit.  :-) 

That’s the gist of it.  Please feel free to quit reading if you’re sick of hearing about my pathetic health issues.  Otherwise, read on…..

So everyone knows I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia for almost 3 years.  Recently I’ve had tons more severe and varied symptoms.  I’ve been increasingly sick most of the last several months.  Ridiculously optimistically thinking all my efforts would bring about positive results any day.

I’ve been diagnosed with quite advanced Hypothyroidism; related to or along with Hashimoto’s disease.  It’s an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid.  We believe that all three conditions are linked, other than over-lapping symptoms.

In addition my thyroid remains very swollen.  It also has a sizable growth, called a nodule.  These two factors are causing pressure against my windpipe making it difficult to breathe at times.  All these months when I’ve been out of breath for no apparent reason, I figured I was just ‘that’ fat!    :-)

I have a great endocrinologist and like her very much.  I’m taking a thyroid medicine and the dose will be adjusted routinely.  I also have to do a ton of blood tests every other week to track my levels.  Additionally, I will have regular ultrasounds of my thyroid to track its size and any possible growth of the nodule.

Although it wasn’t a complete surprise since I’ve been so sick - it’s still hit me hard emotionally.  I’ve been trying my best to stay positive but have spent the past three days having a big pity party and doing a lot of crying. 

I’ll suck it up soon though because I have to be at work again on Monday.  (Doctor says most of her patients can’t work; not an option for me).  Yeah that’s a bit more left-over self-pity in case you missed it.    :-)

I’m going to suck it up, do what needs to be done and beat this bunch of bullshit diseases, if it kills me.  I have no other choice so I might as well get credit for having a good attitude! 

I’m thinking of starting one of those “kick-start” sites for funding to build a salt-water pool in my back yard, as I can’t think of any better (doctor approved) therapy to get me past not diving or traveling for a while.  Any suggestions welcome.

I’ll be back to my normal (abnormal, but happy) self before long, I promise.  Please don’t pity me or be irritated with me….  Just hang in with me and send lots of love and healing thoughts.

Love you all and will write individual notes soon!   Doc says I can expect improvement and a bit more energy in about 3-4 months!  Woo Hoo!

All my love – seriously!


1 comment:

  1. Disappointed you are not going on your trip. Big hugs you need them
